Annual Report Calendar Year 2020
United Way of Logan County
Lincoln, Illinois
Strengthening Logan County by bringing the community together.
United Way of Logan County
120 S. McLean
P.O. Box 684
Lincoln IL 62656
Current Board of Directors for 2021: President, Erin Burns; Vice President and Campaign Chairperson, Ashley Welch; Co-Chairperson, Vicky Wachendorf; Treasurer, Stacy May; Secretary, Jaylee Swinford; Immediate Past President, Beau Anderson; Directors, Adrienne Klockenga, Sheila Nelson, Brittney Peterson; Administrative Director, Patti Becker
2020 – An Unusual Year
The Year 2020 started out like any other. But in the spring, COVID-19 hit. Schools and businesses shut down. Activities and gatherings stopped. Our community of Logan County, like many communities across the world, got thrown into chaos.Agencies in Logan County that provide services to our youth, seniors and families were suddently unable to hold their planned fundraisers and programs that help generate funds. All this while the demand for services was often on the rise.
The United Way of Logan County was able to continue to support partner agencies with grants totally $82,000 to 15 local programs. The opportunity to receive COVID related grants was communicated to agencies throughout Logan County, and additionally over $25,000 in state, federal and community provided grants were received by local agencies due to affiliation with the United Way of Illinois and United Way Worldwide.
Many allowed services continued and were needed more than ever. Partner agency Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois continued the much needed Meals on Wheels Program, delivering meals and checking on isolated seniors throughout our communities. Those seniors like Verna, who has been receiving our home delivered meals for 11 years. She is 102 years young and is just absolutely amazing! She is smart as a whip and has many stories to tell. She lives on a farm and like many people living on a farm, she likes her routine of eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time every day. She started the meals at age 93 after her husband passed away and she was having trouble getting up and down her stairs due to arthritis. Getting to town to get her groceries was a challenge. She said she didn’t feel she needed to cook a meal just for herself, so she didn’t. She mostly just started snacking on ready-to-eat foods. Verna says the meals help her so much because her arthritis limits her ability to prepare her own meals. CAPCIL is honored to serve Verna home delivered meals and happy to play a small part in her ability to thrive and remain in her home where she wants to be.
Another beneficiary of your United Way of Logan County contributions is The Oasis Senior Center, which typically provides social and educational programs for seniors in our communities. COVID put a stop to socialization, but the Oasis stepped up, providing meals that could be picked up and groceries and food for seniors who were isolated. They also checked on seniors and were available with up to date information as they could provide it.
.Many local agencies with which the United Way partners also collaborate to help those in need in our community. One great example of how this works is the story of Randy Lane. Randy Lane is a local Veteran who takes advantage of Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois’ CAPCIL Transit program, a service that transports seniors and vets throughout the community. Randy can catch rides to Wal-Mart, the CAPCIL office to take advantage of programs there which help him, such as LIHEAP, or to attend an appointment. Randy has also been through CAPCIL’s self-sufficiency classes with Charli and development coaching through Ellie (employees at CAPCIL). Our transportation program also delivered meals to Randy and his friends at the Salvation Army 360 Center with which United Way also partners. He was living at the Salvation Army but is now on his OWN and in his OWN apartment downtown. Utilizing these services helped Randy get on his feet and on his own.
In addition to working with partner agencies, the United Way of Logan County worked with the Hartsburg-Emden School District and the Illinois Prairie Community Foudation to bring the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to the children of Hartsburg and Emden. Over the year 2020, we have grown the program to offer it in ten different cities and villages within Logan County thanks to generous local support. The Dolly Parton Imagination Library provides a book a month to registered children from birth until they turn age 5, helping them to grow a love of books, reading and learning.
The United Way of Logan County also worked to bring the 2-1-1 network to Logan County. 2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that conects people with important community services when they need them most. This service is now available throughout Logan County and is provided by PATH of Bloomington, Illinois.
2020 Financials
In 2020, $82,000 was pledged and distributed to 15 non-profit programs to assist them in continuing their good work. The amount pledged to each organization was based on need and community impact, and on expected donations for the year. The United Way of Logan County was able to meet this commitment to each organization, thanks to ongoing donations from community members and organizations throughout the year.
The following programs received the amounts listed below from the United Way of Logan County in 2020
The following information summarizes financial activity for 2020.
Your support matters! Because of the generous support provided to the United Way of Logan County by businesses and individuals, people in our community receive the help they need. Children have opportunities to live healthy lives. Seniors can remain active and in their own homes. Families can prosper and overcome tragedies. Together we are doing what no one person or organization can do alone. Thank you for making a difference. Find out more and donate online at www.uwlogancountyil.org Find a list of our generous 2020/2021 campaign donors at https://www.uwlogancountyil.org/2021-campaign-donors