Businesses and Organizations
The workplace campaign is the cornerstone of the United Way model. Logan County businesses and organizations are invited to partner with us to allow employees to participate in the annual campaign. If your business or organization can do this, there are tools that we can make available to educate your employees and encourage participation.
Some businesses are a part of larger corporations that run national United Way Campaigns. If this is the case, many of them require online sign up for payroll deduction through the company's required web site. Some of these larger campaigns are run through the United Ways that are present in the communities where the corporations have headquarters. For example, CEFCU runs their very successful annual campaign through the Heart of Illinois United Way in Peoria. Employees who work for CEFCU but want to donate to The United Way of Logan County can designate that their gifts go to the United Way of Logan County. Then, the Heart of Illinois United Way forwards those gifts to the United Way of Logan County in Lincoln, Illinois for use there. This is a common practice with many organizations in our community. Making sure thatyour employees know what happens to their local contribution is important. Therefore, The United Way of Logan County can provide educational materials to ensure that the information employees have is accurate and current.
Other businesses or offices have local campaigns and use manual tools or processes to allow employees to sign up for payroll deduction to give to the United Way of their choice, if payroll deduction is available. If not, checks or cash can also be donated. Another option, to avoid manual processes, is to have employees directed to give through PayPal or through this secure website, which allows for sign up for periodic donations throughout the year to make giving easier. Employees simply go to this website, and click donate. They can, of course, also find out information about who we are and what we do at the United Way of Logan County.
Our goal is to educate residents of Logan County with regard to what their financial contributions mean to our community. The following tools are made available to do this to encourage participation through the workplace campaign.
Ideas for fundraising activities in the workplace to involve employees
Representatives from agencies that have benefitted form the United Way of Logan County and local contributions can also be made available to speak at your employee meetings or other gatherings if requested.
Representatives from the United Way of Logan County can also be made available to present at your employee meetings or other gatherings if requested.