Volunteers help make a community great! There are all kinds of opportunities for volunteering in Logan County. Regardless of your passion - youth, seniors, the community - you can make a difference. Here are few opportunities and resources to help you get started!
Click this link for information on how seniors can benefit from volunteering in the community. http://www.aginginplace.org/how-to-volunteer-as-a-senior/
Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois has multiple volunteer opportunities can be found on their website at https://www.capcil.info/
Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts are always looking for strong leaders. Volunteer for girl scouts in this area on their web site at https://www.getyourgirlpower.org/en/for-volunteers/ways-to-volunteer.html
Find out more about volunteer opportunities and programs for Boy Scouts in this area are listed at http://www.wdboyce.org/
Girls on the Run of Central Illinois is looking for volunteer coaches each season. You can make the difference in a Logan County youth's life. Check it out at https://www.gotrcentralillinois.org/Volunteer
Volunteer with the American Red Cross serving Central Illinois. Find out more at https://www.redcross.org/local/illinois/central-and-southern/volunteer.html
Volunteer at the Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center in Lincoln. They are looking for administrative volunteers and HOPE mentors. Fill out an application on their website at https://www.pregnancyresourcecenter.org/get-involved/volunteer/.
The Salvation Army 360 Center in Lincoln, Illinois is seeking volunteers to help in various capacities. Call Rachel at 217-732-7890 to find out how you can help.
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