The United Way of Logan County is committed to investing in local programs producing measurable results. Our goal is to strengthen our community by bringing Logan County together - businesses, non-profits, individuals and families!
In order to apply for United Way funding in Logan County for 2024, and become or remain a United Way Partner, an agency or program must be a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
In order to apply online for the first time, you must first create an account. Please contact Patti Schonauer at 217-735-4499 or email uwloganil@comcast.net for a username to get started.
If you used the online format last year, you may access your previously created account using username and passwords created (or you can reset). To sign in, go to the bottom of a page on this website and click on Login. Once logged in, click on Menu at the top of the page. Click on Secure Site for Agency Applications at the bottom of the Menu List to access instructions and the online application.
Click Here for a hard copy of the application.
All applications for 2025 funding are due to the United Way office by Friday, May 31, 2024,
Thank you for your participation! The United Way of Logan County looks forward to working with all qualifying agencies to continue to strengthen our community through the services you provide.
LIVE UNITED in Logan County!