The United Way of Logan County is dedicated to the support of educational activities for the youth of our community. Illinois and Logan County's competitiveness in a global economy depends upon academic achievement. To succeed, students must enter school ready to learn and navigate the transitions to high school, post-secondary study and work.
To ensure children receive a quality education and stay in school through graduation, United Way will:
Advocate to make high-quality, affordable, early-learning opportunities available to all children; promote partnerships that support family engagement and community-based involvement to improve student academic achievement and support comprehensive and consistent assessment and measurement standards from Pre-K through high school graduation.
Partner agencies, Christian Child Care a licensed day care providers in Logan County that provides quality care and education. Knowing that their children are being looked after at a quality facility, and learning at the same time, allows parents to work without worry in order to provide for their families.
Sometimes, situations occur, and help is needed. A parent loses a job and needs the time to find another, for example. In those instances, funds provided by The United Way of Logan County through generous donations of community members, can be used to offset that cost and provide scholarships to allow time to adjust. Funds may also be used for program materials or teacher training.
Other partner agencies, such as The Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Girls On The Run and The Lincoln Area YMCA also provide learning opportunities for youth and programs to involve families. These programs enhance development of essential skills for future academic and career success. The Center for Youth and Family Solutions and Lincoln Pastoral Counseling can provide assistance in the event of needs for family or individual counseling during times of crisit or specific need. These types of services can help strengthen families and the community at large.
The United Way of Logan County administers Dolly Parton's Imagination Library in Logan County, a program designed to grow a love of books, reading and learning in preschoolers to enhance the future education experience for children. This program provides an age appropriate book per month, sent to the home of pre-school children who are registered, from birth to age 5.