2021 – Celebrating 60 Years in Logan County
On October 2, 2021, The United Way of Logan County celebrated the completion of 60 years of working in our community, and looked forward to continuing to work to strengthen our community in the future.
COVID restrictions remained in place over the year, again making it difficult for partner agencies to provide services to our youth, seniors and families, and to raise funds through traditional fundraising activities. But services remained in high demand.
The United Way of Logan County was able to continue to support partner agencies with grants totalling $75,000 to 13 local agencies and programs. Over $31,000 of Federal Funding was also distributed through local agencies including the Center for Youth and Family Solutions and the Salvation Army, to help those in financial need and to prevent homelessness and hunger through the administration of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program.
Additionally, a $10,000 Healing Illinois Grant was acquired from the State of Illinois through the United Way, and allocated to the Lincoln Diversity and Inclusion Commission to support their work in Lincoln and Logan County including police training, the development of a website and Juneteenth Celebration support. The Weekly Diversity Challenge was also sponsored through state wide affiliates to educate our community and drive positive change.
In addition to working with 13 partner agencies, the United Way of Logan County continued to work with local sponsors and the Hartsburg-Emden School District grow Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in Logan County. Over the year 2021, we have grown the program to offer it in 13 different cities and villages within Logan County thanks to generous local support. The Dolly Parton Imagination Library provides a book a month to registered children from birth until they turn age 5, helping them to grow a love of books, reading and learning. Through June of 2022, over 1,800 books had been mailed to Logan County participants. Our generous supporters of this program are listed at https://uwlogancountyil.org/dolly-parton-imagination-library-supporters. Find out more about this program and give your support at https://uwlogancountyil.org/dolly-parton-imagination-library.
The United Way of Logan County also sponsors the 2-1-1 network for Logan County. 2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that connects people with important community services when they need them most. This service is now available throughout Logan County and is provided by PATH of Bloomington, Illinois. In the last year, over 200 Logan County residents have gotten help using 2-1-1. Find out more about 2-1-1 and see quarterly reports on types and numbers of calls received at https://uwlogancountyil.org/logan-county-2-1-1.
2021 Financials
In 2021, $75,000 was pledged and distributed to 13 non-profit programs to assist them in continuing their good work. The work of these organizations impacts hundreds of youth, seniors and families in Logan County each year. The amount pledged to each organization was based on need and community impact, and on expected donations for the year. The United Way of Logan County was able to meet this commitment to each organization, thanks to ongoing donations from community members and organizations throughout the year.
The following programs received the amounts listed below from the United Way of Logan County in 2021
The following summarizes income and expenses for the United Way of Logan County in 2021
Your support matters! Because of the generous support provided to the United Way of Logan County by businesses and individuals, people in our community receive the help they need. Children have opportunities to live healthy lives. Seniors can remain active and in their own homes. Families can prosper and overcome tragedies. Together we are doing what no one person or organization can do alone. Thank you for making a difference. Find out more and donate online at www.uwlogancountyil.org Find a list of our generous 2021/2022 campaign donors at https://www.uwlogancountyil.org/2022-campaign-donors.
United Way of Logan County Statement on Racism/Equity
The United Way of Logan County recognizes that structural and institutional racism/ethnic discrimination and other forms of oppression have contributed to both past and present racial inequality. We acknowledge that this racial inequality stems from systemic policies and practices marginalizing entire populations of people, and denounce racism/ethnic discrimination as it harms and deters the growth of our communities. Our organization commits to assisting with increased community anti-racism education and practices while helping bring forward the voices of those who have historically been silenced and excluded. We will work closely with our agencies and partners to ensure that all people within our community, regardless of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status or otherwise, are afforded equal opportunities and access to resources.
Current Board of Directors for 2022: President, Vicky Wachendorf; Vice President and Campaign Chairperson, Brittney Peterson; Co-Chairperson, Adrienne Klockenga; Treasurer, Stacy May; Secretary, Jaylee Swinford; Immediate Past President, Erin Burns; Directors, Beau Anderson, Jennifer Hunt, Sheila Nelson, Ashley Welch; Administrative Director, Patti Becker
Strengthening Logan County by bringing the community together.
United Way of Logan County
120 S. McLean
P.O. Box 684
Lincoln IL 62656