Thank you to the following for your donations to the United Way of Logan County to support programs in 2025.
American Environmental Waste Co DBA D& D Complete Sewer & Portables
Steven and Marjorie Aper
Kevin and Peggy Bateman
Michelle Bauer Country Financial
Don and Alison Behle
Charles and Charlotte Bennett
John and Barb Blackburn
Garland Brinner & Associates
Terrica Buchholz
Paul and Jackie Campbell
Dr. Dennis Carroll
Karen Castelein
Caterpillar Employees through the Caterpillar Campaign
The Caterpillar Foundation
Marilyn Craig
Dennis and Ann Davis
William and Janice Dickerson
Kirk and Ellen Dobihal
The Dolpoas Family Charitable Fund
James and Lisa Drew
Eaton Employees through the Eaton Campaign
The Eaton Charitable Fund
Daniel Eeten
Brad Fanale
Teena Feldman
Gerald and Nancy Gehlbach
Employees of the Girl Scouts of Central Illinois through the Annual Campaign
Robert and Marilyn Greathouse
Robert and Ruth Green
Matthew Grizzle
Tim and Linda Harmon
Heartland Bank and Trust Employees
Heartland Bank and Trust
Marcia Howen
Mary Beth Jackson
Kathleen Keest in Honor of Coleen Shelton's Birthday
Dr. Robert and June Kidd
Alan and Barbara Kline
Elaine Knight
James and Marcia Larson
Vincent and Janet Long
Donald and Jeanne Ludwig
Thomas and Barbara Mauhar
Gail McShane
ME Realty
Ron and Sue Meyer
Stephen L. Miller, Miller & Miller Attorneys
Carol Mills
John and Ann Olson
Teresa Pourchot
Resilient Premier Cleaning LLC
Wanda Lee Rohlfs
Mike and Darla Rohrer
Karen Schwantz
Donna Seefeldt
Senior Citizens of Logan County, Inc.
Rick and Mary Jane Sheley
Jeff and Brenda Short
Dr. Don and Jan Sielaff
Mitzie Sharos-Welsh
James and Mary Shelton
Jeff and Breanda Short
Larry Schroth
Gary and Anne Stoltzenburg
Sugar Creek Orthodontics, P.C., Betsy Ulrich, D.D.S., M.S.
Richard Sumrall
Karen Schwantz
Marla Unser
Stasia Welchel
Danny and Marilyn Wheat
WLCN - 96.3